Why there is a Religion?

Note: Read this my friends, and awake as you read this.

Long time ago, our grand parents live in a cave. They worship the sun as their god. They just face the rising sun and bowing on it. They know nothing about the sun. They even don't speak what it is. The only know it gives them heat and by the help of it the plant grows and the plant give them food to it in order to live. So, they respect it's power and worship it (sun).

As the time passes by our grand-grand parents formulate theories and principles in accordance to their experience and ideas. From their experience ideas come out from their minds and the group themselves according to their ideas, they formulate rituals. Some replace sun to other object and animals to suited to their ideas of worshiping. They organize leaders and groups. They invent titles to be called to their leaders. Until they reach the point a lot of groups and leaders existing now it comes the conflict. 

Once there was a rich man he saw a five blinds wanted to know what is elephant look likes. They (the five blinds) said, if I could touch the elephant I could know what it look likes. Then the rich man said, okey lets go to the zoo and I let you all touch the elephant, so that you will know what is look likes. The first blind man touch the body, the second one touch the foot, the third one touch the trunk, the fourth one touch the ears, and the last one touch the tail. As soon they finish touching the elephant the rich man said, now what the elephant look likes? The first one said, the elephant is just like wall, the second one said, no is just like a post, the third one said, now it's look likes a water hose, the fourth one said, no it look likes a basin, and the fifth one said, no! no! its look likes a rope. Now are they right? Yes, they are right according to what they touch in own stand but it is true description they give the real elephant. The religion is just like this.

Some group read the Bible and the Bible said is that, this is the way of salvation, other group again read the Bible and they said this is the way of salvation according to their understanding and the conflict comes in because of their understanding the Bible. 

The Bible said, love your neighbors as yourself, why do they love only the member of their certain group or religion. Within Christianity their is conflict, the Bible teaches us unity and love. 

This is only Part 1, visit us again for coming Part 2 for further study.

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